Milk on the Moove – Devon

There is quite a lot going on here and although I admire this bottle, I do find it somewhat confusing. From what I can tell the milk appears to have been spilled from a bottle and is ‘on the moove’ while a disembodied cow head floats atop the spillage. The whole event happens within the confines of a box surrounded by text written in a plethora of fonts creating a comic book style design. The bottle catches ones eye and certainly demands a second look.

The milk inside the bottle is farm fresh, un-homogenised, pasteurised, organic milk from a herd of British Frisian and Gurnsey Cows who wile away the day grazing in the lush fields of Haylake Farm, in Devon. Unlike other milk vending ventures, Milk on the Moove travels around and the locations and timings of the milk trailer can be found on their website.

Collected in England