Bassingthorpe Milk – Lincolnshire
Farm fresh pasteurised milk produced by Holstein and Brow Swiss cows that feed on the pastures of the Lincolnshire countryside.
This bottle evokes an image of foil milk bottle tops indented and sometimes pierced by the beak of a Blue Tit.
It is common now for people to purchase milk from supermarkets. However, historically a great many people would be supplied by the local milkman. Foil topped glass milk bottles would appear by magic on the doorsteps of households up, down and across the country every morning before most people had even yawned and had their morning stretch. The local Blue Tit would wake at the break of dawn, stretch their wings and take a flight to spend time pecking at the foil lids of bottles in search of the fat-rich cream that settles at the top. They have no interest in the milk. If the Blue Tit consumed the milk, it would almost certainly suffer from diarrhoea.
Manor Farm, home to the girls who produce the milk for this beautiful bottle, sits in the village of Boothby Pagnell. Sir Isaac Newton writes about his time spent in the summer at the rectory of Boothby Pagnell in 1666-1667 in his memoirs. The rectory was known to have a considerable orchard.
