The Dairyy at Honeydale – Oxfordshire
Is that a superfluous letter y or a misspelling of the word dairy? I’m not sure, but when searching for the word “Dairyy” on the world wide web, the Dairyy at Honeydale floats to the top of 5290 results when using my favourite search engine. Perhaps good marketing then? The delicate and graceful design of a cow grazing is slightly let down by the gothic style font used on the back of the bottle. Otherwise, this would bottle would surely be a favourite.
Austrian Fleckvieh cows (a cow Wikipedia tells me is dual-purpose and suitable for both milk and meat production) produce the milk at the Dairyyy at Honeydale. The micro-dairy produces the fresh, whole milk that is pasteurised but not homogenised that fills this bottle.
