Penuchadre Farm – Bridgend

The Penuchadre Farm bottle is one of my favourites with its summertime scene of a cow standing in a grassy field surrounded on both sides by leafy trees while a single Swallow flies overhead. A wonderful image that certainly matches the Welsh countryside that surrounds Penuchadre Farm. The gently pasteurised organic whole milk tastes as good as the bottle looks, and it is little wonder when you consider that the Morgan family has farmed the farm for seven generations. That’s a lot of farming experience.

The Morgans can trace their management of Penuchadre Farm back to 1792. There have had eight Kings and two Queens of the United Kingdom during that time. Humanity has invented the bicycle, steam locomotives and their modern electrically powered cousins, telephones and electric light bulbs. Charles Darwin developed the theory of evolution. Wilhelm Röntgen discovered x-rays and x-ray imaging. There have been two World Wars. Man has landed on the moon, and we all carry a smartphone in our pockets. Milk vending machines allow you and me to dispense milk and pay for it using the smartphone with invisible contactless money. You can even add a flavour to make it a milkshake. Isn’t human progress remarkable?

Collected in Wales